Human thermal adaptation in real building environment (3) —Comparison among different climate zones during winter

Cao Bin★, Luo Maohui, Zhu Yingxin, Wang Zhaojun, Zhou Xiang and Liu Gang


Conducts field studies on indoor thermal comfort in Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen during winter. Compares the thermal adaptation characteristics of people in different climate zones, and specially discusses the influence of heating on thermal adaptation. Indoor temperatures of Harbin and Beijing are higher due to heating. All the measured indoor temperatures in Harbin are higher than 21 ℃ which make people adapt to warm environment. The investigated buildings in Shanghai and Shenzhen do not have heating where the indoor temperatures are all lower than 20 ℃. People in Shanghai show better adaptation to colder environment, however those in Shenzhen do not have enough cold stimulation to achieve that adaptation. Overheating is not good for people’s comfort and health, so that heating should be moderate and follow the characteristics of people’s thermal adaptation.